Three Thing I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for many thing this year, but here are three top things. First thing I’m thankful for is being alive. I say this because you get to experience new things everyday and enjoy things you love like, going to a amusement park, the park, or just sleeping in.Second thing I’m thankful for is having a family. I’m thankful for my family since they take care of me when I was a baby and even now. Also my family keeps me company when I need it.also I’m thankful for Mr beast. I’m thankful for him because he planted over a million trees and it help every breath because trees give air which brings me to the last thing to be thankful for. I’m thankful for breathable air. I extremely thankful for this because without breathable air I wouldn’t be able to live with in would interfere with me being thankful for being alive.

RAD READING FOR OCTOBER Percy Jackson By Rick Riordan

This month I read a book called Percy Jackson by Rick Riodran

The book is about a kid whose father is Poseidon but doesn’t know since he never seen his father. So his mother married a smelly guy to prevent minotaurs from noticing his sent and finding him. A couple months later his mother directed to go a beach where she met her husband at. Later on a minotaur found him since gab (gab is his step father) wasn’t there to conceal his secant. Her mom noticed this and traded to get to a camp where the Minotaurs can’t through unless someone’s summons it there but as they got 100 feet away the Minotaurs hit and broke their car. Whiles Percy runs his mom try to protect him but ends up getting squashed to death right in front of this eyes. He got angry so he pulled off of the the Minotaurs horns and stabbed it with its own horn and dragged his body to the camp but passed out right in front of it. When he wakes up he is greeted by a family in a farm and tells him he’s been sleeping for a week and he’s at camp half-blood. Soon after his been told that’s Zeus’s thunder bolt have been stolen and he’s evening blamed for taking it even though he didn’t so was sent after a quest to retrieve the thunder bolt back with some friends he made to get Zeus’s thunder bolt by the end of summer. Why someone else should read this book is because it has high fantasy, makes it feel like your actually in the book, and it’s really interesting at any point of the book. My favorite character is Percy Jackson he can be lazy which I can relate to because “With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.” My favorite quote is “Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.” This is my favorite quote because it’s true since you might not want to know what will happens in the future because it might be something you will enjoy.

What I Would Wish For From A Genie

If you been given three wishes, what would you wish for? I would for 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 genies so each of them would have three wishes and then I would have 299999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 wishes since I used one of those wishes to get that amount of wish. My next wish would be to have unlimited power over every living and not living species I’m the entire universe. The next thing I would wish for is to never get hungry or thirsty as a result of that i would never have to spend money on food or water, I would next need to wait for food not be cook, and i would never need to need the satisfaction of wanting food.